
Visiting Florida's state parks and beyond in our Roadtrek. This is how we saw it all. Hopefully, the posts will give you some useful information. Questions and comments are welcome.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Weekend at Florida's Highlands Hammock State Park

This park is known for its hiking trails, which range in distance from 975 feet to over 3,000 feet.  Eight of the nine trails are located on the loop drive, and visitors can easily extend their walks as several connect via a bridge or catwalk. Trails run through hydric hammock, cypress swamp, hardwood swamp, and pine flatwoods. 

Our campsite has its utilities on the "wrong" side so we pulled in nose first in order to reach them with the water hose and electric cord and still not be too close to the firepit.  A little inconvenient as it puts the awning on the wrong side.  But, as shady as it was it wasn't needed.  The sites are 50/50 undefined haphazard relative to other parks we have been too.  Not really a problem.  Nice place.

It's New Year's Eve and the campground was full.  Really full.  There was a Casita travel trailer group so a lot of them and a lot of tents in addition to motorhomes of all sizes.  Great weather.

Where the camp site loop road makes the turn there is a playground with pavilions, picnic tables, and grills for the family.  The other two are located in the picnic area and at the recreation hall. 

This is a Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) park and like most 9 CCC parks in Florida there is an area in the park dedicated to the CCC workers that includes a small museum. Very interesting.

 An original grader used in the park construction stands in front of the park museum.

The method of payment for work done.
An old carbide lantern used during construction.

 This weekend there was a small table of items on exhibit from the park.


Just outside of the campground is the first of many boardwalks that traverse the wetland part of the park.

A three-mile paved loop drive through the hammock offers nature study and is ideal for bicycling, roller blading and roller skating. There is also a 6-mile off road trail ideally suited for mountain bikes.

But, be aware.  Alligators may also share the road.  This one was in a ditch only 5 feet from the road looking very protective.

 And here's why.  In the lower left of the photo you can see the carcass of a wild pig.  The gator is not in a sharing mood.

The view from one of the trail boardwalks.

Even in the park there are decisions required.  One can always come back and take the other trail.  Both are great trails.


On one of the dry trails.

Another dry trail.

Along Fern Trail

 Cypress and ferns.

Cool reflections.

Along the catwalk.

And, into the hammock.

 Single lane traffic on this boardwalk.  The tree is encroaching on the walk space.

Reflection among the lily pads.

Cypress reflection.

Mother Nature's art in the form of a decaying root system.

American Beautyberry

Red Maple showing its brightest reds.

Looks like a character in a cartoon show on TV I once surfed by.

Dahoon Holly

White egret sharing the marsh with a nearby gator.

And finally, back to the campsite and a snack and campfire on New Year's Eve after a day of hiking.  Although fireworks are prohibited in Florida State Parks, after dark a few found there way in.


  1. Hi again, thought I'd start at the beginning and realized right away that I don't know hwere Highland Florida is. Perhaps you alredy are including a short description of location in the future posts and this comment is moot. I would like to know as I look through your blog whether I am on the East, West, North South or Central Florida. Maybe even a closest city. Thanks!

  2. Your photography is very wonderful. Excellent work!

  3. Thank you for your comments, Jodie. And, I'll put city locations in as I go. This park is on county road 634 (Hammock Rd), 4 miles west of Sebring, FL. (Central Fl).
