
Visiting Florida's state parks and beyond in our Roadtrek. This is how we saw it all. Hopefully, the posts will give you some useful information. Questions and comments are welcome.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Weekend at Florida's Wekiwa Springs State Park II

 Three months after our previous visit we returned to see what it looks like in full bloom of spring.  Not disappointed.

We camped on the other of two loops opting for more shade as it is quite a few degrees warmer than our last visit.  Our small unit can hide at the back of the site and out of the sun most all day this time of the year.  As my friend said, shade is good in the summer.

The view in one direction of the loop from our site.  Can you tell where the Marine lives?  Great guy.   We meet neat people at the campgrounds.  The sites in this loop are all shaded with privacy and space on each side.

 This section along the campground entrance road was all charred and still smoking from a prescribed burn when we were here 3 months ago.  Mother Nature recoups well and fast.

Another section of recovered prescribed burn area.  The prescribed burning continues down the road a bit.  Closely monitored by the rangers and staff it should recover in rapidly with the pending rainy season.

 The small but interesting museum is about to move into its new building.  So, a last look at the current diorama.  The building will be the area for lectures and the meeting place to begin the nature walks conducted on Saturdays by the rangers.

More of the native wildlife.  Probably better to see some of it in this form.

 Something new at the "marina".  Paddle boarding.  As with the canoes and kayaks, bring your own or rent one.

Couldn't get this bad boy to face the camera.  The consensus of estimates from the bridge he looks to be about 4 feet long.

The spring head and swimming side of the bridge.  Beautiful clear water on this summer weekend.  The other side of the bridge is the marina and the spring's entrance into the Wekiva River.

Looking toward the Wekiva River from the marina.

As noon Saturday approached people gathered at the spring head for swimming, grilling, and tanning.  Great weekend for a picnic.

The start of my favorite trail.  The wet/dry trail that starts at the marina, goes through the swampy area of the spring, and circles around to the dry area and comes out at the spring head grass area.

 A wild gardenia along the boardwalk.

Looking down the hill toward the end of the boardwalk through the swamp.  Everything is so much greener than in winter as expected. Glad we returned.

More of the dry trail going downhill toward the grassy knoll at the spring head.

Things around the campsite:

Have no clue where this came from.  Was sitting on the post when we arrived.  The squirrels kept turning it 90 degrees every time I turned it in this direction. Strange.

Evil squirrel.  There were eight of them that constantly ran through and around the campsite.  Always eating and chasing. 

Cardinals again.  At least they did not attack the Trek this weekend.  One male joined me for coffee at the picnic table one morning.  He hopped up on the table just about 3 feet away.

Of course when I slowly reached for the camera he was off to the tree.  A good case for getting Google Glass. 

No bigger than a quarter.

Class park, or what?


  1. Love the name of this park - does it sound as cool as it looks like it would?! Very pretty swimming hole/spring. The springs down in FL are awesomely beautiful!! But...I have to wonder about the alligators at this spot. Are they all just too well fed, VERY well-behaved, or that rare - that people feel that comfortable to go paddle boarding with them...?!?! I'm not even sure I could get myself to kayak with them, let alone paddle board!!!! Wild gardenias? Really? Yummy!!! Best-smelling flowers! And love that tiny, tiny frog! But beware - stay safe from those super scary squirrels!!!!!!!! Definitely possessed! (well, until you use the red-eye correction on them... ;)

  2. (well, until you use the red-eye correction on them... ;) Well, then it would be just another squirrel.
